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How Does the 14-Day Free Trial Work?

Every new Kuna App Account comes with a complimentary 14-day trial of our Absolute Control Premium Plan. Your 14-day free trial starts the day your first new Kuna Powered Device is set up. No credit card required!

During the trial, your recordings will be saved for 14 days, and you'll be able to download as many recordings as you like. You'll also get to try out Kuna AI, which is included with all Premium Plans. After your 14-day trial, you will be given the option to opt-in to a Premium Plan.

If you choose not to upgrade to a Premium Plan, your Kuna Powered Device will return to its default features. Each recording will be saved for 2 hours. Plus, you'll still get unlimited live streaming and up to three recording downloads per month.

You can sign up for a Premium Plan online at Just log in using your Kuna App Account! Here, you can update your Premium Plan settings at any time.

For more information about Premium Plan features and pricing, check out our plans page!


Will my light stop working if I don't sign up for a plan?

Absolutely not! The functionality of your light and the Kuna app will not change. However, we do recommend signing up for a plan if you need access to older recordings. Without a plan, your recordings will only be saved for 2 hours each, and you'll be limited to three recording downloads per month.


If I don't sign up for a plan, what will happen to my recordings?

If you do not upgrade to a Premium Plan, every event older than 2 hours will automatically be removed from your app. If you need to keep any important recordings, we highly recommend you download and save them before your trial ends.

Still Have Questions?

Kuna: Monday - Friday, 8am to 5:30pm PT, (844) 905-1914

Toucan: Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 5pm PT, (888) 788-6888

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