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My App Feature Isn't Working

Because of the time lapse between manufacturing Kuna Powered Devices and when they reach you, your device likely has an older version of firmware running on it. Sometimes, this means the features that are shown in the app aren't available to you just yet. You may see an error message that says "that didn't seem to work" when you try to set the light schedule, volume or sensitivity.


How to Update Your Firmware

Your Kuna Powered Device will automatically check every night for updated firmware and download it. Just leave it powered on overnight it will get the latest software for itself.

You can also manually update your firmware by tapping on the small gear icon in the camera thumbnail (on the Devices Page) and selecting Device Health. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and tap the Update Firmware button.

This triggers a firmware update, and your device will download the update and reboot itself in about 15-20 minutes. In the meantime you will still be able to use live video, turn the light on and off, etc.

If you are unable to update the firmware manually, please try power cycling your Kuna Powered Device (by turning the power off, waiting 10 seconds, and turning the power back on).

Still Have Questions?

Kuna: Monday - Friday, 8am to 5:30pm PT, (844) 905-1914

Toucan: Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 5pm PT, (888) 788-6888

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