Once your devices are fully online and set up, you have the option of turning off the blue status LED. If the device goes offline or becomes unpaired, your LED will still turn red or green (or yellow if you have a Toucan) - to let you know that your device is disconnected.
Turning Off a Camera Porch Light or Camera Floodlight
You can turn off your light's status LED by going into your device settings. Click the gear icon and scroll down to the section that says Status LED. Make sure this is toggled off.
Turning Off a Companion LED
If your companion light is correctly synced with your Camera Porch Light, both Status LEDs should turn off together. However, you can also turn off your companion LED manually. To do this, please insert a small pin or toothpick into the hole opposite your status LED and click the small button in there just once. You should hear a clicking sound and will only need to press it for a short time (no more than 1 second) to get the LED to switch off.